Read-along: Kushiel’s Chosen by Jacqueline Carey (Chapter 18 to 30)

Kushiel's Chosen: A Wyrd and Wonder Read-along

A few month ago, the awesome Wyrd & Wonder crew hosted a read-along of Kushiel’s Dart, the first book in Jacqueline Carey’s Phèdre trilogy. I had such a fun time with the read-along that I am very happy to continue my re-read of this series with Kushiel’s Chosen.

If you want to know more about the schedule for the read-along, you can check out the Goodreads group or imyril’s Time to #ReadAsThouWilt introduction post.

This post will contain spoilers for Kushiel’s Dart and the first thirty chapters of Kushiel’s Chosen.

After a long introduction, things are finally moving and Phèdre has a plan in mind – and it involves leaving Terre d’Ange to find Melisande…

Marmion Shahrizai has a sudden fall from grace this week. What’s your take on how he handled Persia’s treason – and on how Ysandre handles him? Do you feel sorry for him? Do you think we’ll see him again?

I feel bad for Marmion because he has lost (almost) all his allies and his courtship of the Queen didn’t help him in the end. He should have talked to Ysandre when he had the chance… And I don’t think it’s the last time we are going to see him, I just hope that next time, he will play his hand with more finesse.

I think Ysandre acted fairly, she didn’t have any other options really. If she had known about the incident beforehand, she might have protected Marmion but even then, I’m not sure.

What do you make of Nicola L’Envers y Aragon? Do you trust her? Do you think she’s right in her assessment of Barquiel L’Envers?

I like Nicola and I trust her, especially after she gave the L’Envers password to Phèdre when she knew Barquiel wouldn’t want Phèdre to have it. However, I don’t think Barquiel is innocent and I’m not think she’s right in her assessment. This guy is just too fishy, you know?

Phèdre returns to the Night Court as a patron, seeking help to understand her dreams. How have your impressions of the Night Court evolved since we first met Phèdre in Cereus House?

I now appreciate the Night Court as a part of the D’Angeline culture and I understand more how important it is in the society. It’s also fascinating to slowly learn about the different houses!

It’s funny to see how all the servants of Naamah are impressed by Phèdre, she started as the unwanted child of courtesan and she’s now an important figure in the service of Naamah! What a VIP!

Much has been made of Joscelin standing at a crossroads. Did any of his choices this week surprise you? Any thoughts on what roads he may walk down – and where they may lead him?

Joscelin doesn’t surprise me anymore, he’s just getting on my nerves at this point. He doesn’t want to take a decision so he’s just sulking. He’s unable to let go of anything, his oath, his love for Phèdre or his interest in Yeshua. At this point, I just want him to go away for a while and sort himself out.

On the road again… Phèdre discovers she has friends in unexpected places and allies in every port. What was your gut reaction to the confrontation with the Unforgiven? Any predictions for what may await in La Serenissima?

Phèdre is the coolest so, of course, she would turn the heads of the Unforgiven. What a typical Phèdre move!

As for what is going to happen is La Serenissima, I expect a lot of political intrigues and a bunch of new characters with their own agenda. I don’t remember if Severio makes another appearance but I think he will.

…and as always, share your musings on other matters that caught your attention!

I loved the chapter about Marsilikos since it’s heavily inspired by the French city of Marseille! I love Marseille, my grandparents live there and I often visit. I have a lot of fond memories of this city and reading about d’Angeline version of it was very nice! 😀

Marseille, Vieux-Port, Notre-Dame, La Garde, Bonne-Mère
Le Vieux Port, Marseille

On a different note, I am SO annoyed with Phèdre and Joscelin and how angsty they are. I get that their young and that they probably have PTSD after the events of Kushiel’s Dart but still, TALK for god’s sake.

Some of my favorite quotes:

“You’re back,” Joscelin said flatly. “I was worried.”

“If you’re so damnably worried,” Remy said, eyeing Joscelin, “you should have gone yourself, and left off your hand-dog sulking, Cassiline”

Kushiel’s Chosen by Jacqueline Carey

And Rousse to Joscelin:

“You, lad!” he said gruffly, shaking him. “You’re traveling with the most beautiful courtesan in three generations of Naamah’s servants! Try to look a little less as if it were a death sentence, will you?”

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