2022 Year in Review and 2023 Reading Plans

As mentioned in my January Wrap-Up, I am very behind on my end-of-year posts but better late than never, right? So, time to reflect on 2022!

All in all, 2022 was a pretty great year. It was my first full year of working and I’ve learned a lot. I love my coworkers (for the most part lol) and I’m learning new things all the time even if it can be stressful sometimes. I’ve made several new good friends. I’ve traveled to Switzerland, Portugal and Scotland and I had a blast each time. I always thought of myself as a homebody but 2022 proved me wrong. I hope 2023 will be the same!

A look at my 2022 Reading Goals

Each year, I love setting blogging and reading goals. I don’t always achieve them (as we’ll see!) but they are always fun to look back on.


Sadly, I was a pretty big reading slump at the midpoint of the year and I never managed to catch-up. Still, reading 66 books isn’t too shabby! 🙂


Fail! I didn’t even try honestly. I love this goal but I haven’t been able to achieve it in the last 3 years so I’ll drop it in 2023 and I’ll see if I come to it later or not.


I read 17 books from the list in 2022 and read the 18th one in January so, I will still count this as a win. It’s a bit of a cheat but, my goals, my rules!

I love this challenge because it helps me to focus on backlist titles I have been meaning to read for a long time. A lot of my favorite reads of the year were from that list. Here are the books I read:


I read 7 literary fiction and 4 thrillers so it’s a success! I chose this goal to push myself to read more diversely and it worked. It was less restrictive than a TBR because it still allowed me to mood-read but it was very effective!

Here are the books read for this goal:

Literary fiction




Fail! This one was a complete and utter failure. I only posted 21 times in 2022 so it was less than twice a month on average. 😦


Success! I’m currently not accepting any ARCs (even if I have to restrain myself sometimes!). I only accepted 5 ARCs or so last year and it was great decision. I much prefer reading releases at my own pace, I find reading ARCs stressful and I have great admiration for bloggers that receive them and manage to read and review them in a timely fashion. You guys have superpowers!

2023 Goals

My success rate was at 50% in 2022 but still, I’m happy with how my goals went in 2022 and I would like to carry some of them over in 2023!

Read 65 books

Since 75 books appeared a bit too ambitious last year, I’m aiming for 65 in 2023! I think it should be doable but time will tell. 😉

Read more short fiction

I have been neglecting short fiction in 2022 which is disappointing since I love reading anthologies and short fiction magazines. I would like to read a least 12 short fiction magazines to catch-up on my subscriptions and 4 collections.

Read 12 literary fiction and 6 thrillers

Since I loved this goal so much last year, I’m making it slightly more difficult this year and I would like to read a literary fiction book a month on average and a thriller/mystery every two months. Wish me luck!

Read 3 books in French

I’m French but I almost exclusively read books written in English. I read two books in French last year and I would like to read three in 2023. French authors (or authors writing in French) are as amazing as the ones writing in English so I ought to read them more often! 😉

Re-Read 5 books

I love re-reading old favorites and sadly, I don’t re-read as often as I used to so I’m hoping to kickstart the habit again in 2023. I already have a ton of books in mind that I would like to revisit so, it shouldn’t be too difficult.

Read 18 books from my list of Books to Read in 2023

It’s the exact same goal as last year but with a new list of books (mostly backlist!). I will be posting the list of books later this month. Spoiler alert: Dune is on the list. 2023 is the year I will finally manage to read Dune!

Reach a Feedback Ratio of 80% on Netgalley

I’m currently not accepting any ARCs but I’m trying to catch-up on older reviews and read a few advance copies that have been collecting virtual dust on my ereader for months (if not years). I still don’t know if I’ll request any ARCs this year but I would like to have a good feedback ration on Netgalley. It’s currently at 78% so I only have to review 3 books to reach my goal.

Post at least twice a month on Average

Since posting once a week is mission impossible, I’m going to make the goal easier on myself and hopefully it will prove doable!

Give the blog a makeover

This has been a long goal of mine, I like the overall design of the blog now (which is why I haven’t changed it in a while) but I would like a new name and my own domain name. The current name is too long and doesn’t reflect who I am as reader currently. I have a name in mind but I’m still thinking about it!

Well, that’s all for me today! Do you have any reading/blogging goals for the year? 🙂

14 thoughts on “2022 Year in Review and 2023 Reading Plans

  1. For a slumpy year you did very well! I’m trying to read some backlist books this year too, but it’s February and I still haven’t read any. Good luck, I’m looking forward to your upcoming list😁

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I think you did great, especially since there are some bigger books mixed in there. I never did get to She Who Became the Sun and I still need to read the last book of the Poppy War and I don’t know if I’ll have time to get to backlist books this year either.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Maryam, you did awesome! You read, you blogged – the numbers are secondary. ❤
    I completely agree with you that ARCs are stressful! I’ve just finished my last reading obligation (literally!) and it feels so good. It’ll be even better when I’ve written up my post about it. 😂
    Here’s to a successful, and FUN new reading year! 🥂

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